Discovering Mexican Coffee Beans

coffee beans from mexico

Key Facts About Mexican Coffee Beans

  • Mexico is the 8th largest coffee producer in the world
  • Main type of coffee grown: Arabica (97% of production)
  • Top growing regions: Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca
  • Typical flavour profile: Light to medium body, slightly acidic, with nutty and chocolate notes
  • Coffee was introduced to Mexico in the late 1700s
  • Mexico is a leader in organic coffee production
Mexican Coffee At A Glance

Where Mexican Coffee Comes From

Mexico’s main coffee-growing regions are spread across the country’s southern states. Each area produces coffee with its own unique characteristics due to differences in climate, altitude, and soil.

coffee growing regions of mexico

The darker areas indicate the regions with the highest coffee production, such as Veracruz, Chiapas, and Oaxaca. These areas have the ideal conditions for coffee cultivation, including high altitudes, rich soil, and a tropical climate.

Top 3 Coffee Regions


  • Produces 40% of Mexico’s coffee
  • Known for: Full-bodied coffee with bright acidity


  • Home to the famous Altura Coatepec coffee
  • Known for: Medium-bodied coffee with floral notes


  • Produces the prized Pluma Hidalgo variety
  • Known for: Light to medium-bodied coffee with good acidity
Impact of Mexican Coffee Infographic

A Brief History of Mexican Coffee

  • Late 1700s: Coffee plants brought to Mexico by Spanish colonists
  • 1790s: First commercial coffee plantations established in Veracruz
  • 1800s: German and Italian immigrants expand coffee farming
  • 1973: National Coffee Institute of Mexico (INMECAFE) established
  • 1989: INMECAFE dissolved, leading to growth of coffee cooperatives
  • Today: Focus on high-quality Arabica beans and sustainable farming

Why Mexican Coffee Matters

Economic Impact: Coffee is a major export crop for Mexico, providing income for over 500,000 farmers and their families.

Biodiversity: Many Mexican coffee farms use traditional shade-growing methods, which help preserve forest habitats and protect wildlife.

Sustainable Practices: Mexico is a leader in organic coffee production, with many farmers using eco-friendly farming methods.

Unique Flavours: The diverse growing regions in Mexico produce a wide range of coffee flavours, from light and fruity to rich and chocolatey.

Want to Try Mexican Coffee?

Look for these on the label when buying Mexican coffee:

  • Single-origin coffees from Chiapas, Veracruz, or Oaxaca
  • Altura grade beans (grown at high altitudes)
  • Shade-grown or bird-friendly certifications
  • Organic and Fair Trade labels

Remember, the roast level (light, medium, dark) can significantly change the taste, so experiment to find what you like best!

Mexican Coffee Beans Infographic
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