History and Origins of Coffee

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coffee origins

Exploring Coffee Origins

Exploring Coffee Origins Read More »

Coffee is grown in more than 70 countries, which illustrates the enormous size and diverse coffee origins. This globally popular beverage originates from regions beyond the equator to mountainous regions. Its history is interwoven with ancient Ethiopian lore, suggesting that it was first discovered by humans there. The journey of understanding coffee’s origins offers insights […]

coffee beans from mexico

Discovering Mexican Coffee Beans

Discovering Mexican Coffee Beans Read More »

Key Facts About Mexican Coffee Beans Where Mexican Coffee Comes From Mexico’s main coffee-growing regions are spread across the country’s southern states. Each area produces coffee with its own unique characteristics due to differences in climate, altitude, and soil. The darker areas indicate the regions with the highest coffee production, such as Veracruz, Chiapas, and


The History Of Coffee In The UK: How Coffeehouses Transformed British Culture

The History Of Coffee In The UK: How Coffeehouses Transformed British Culture Read More »

Key Takeaways The Introduction of Coffee to the UK In the 16th century, coffee arrived in the UK from Turkey and North Africa. The first coffeehouses emerged in Oxford and London, initially met with wariness by the British population. The Rise of Coffeehouses in 17th Century London In the 1660s, coffeehouses proliferated rapidly across London.

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